By Adela Pérez del Viso.
Project involves students in presenting their favourite songs, by searching
their song´s origin, its performer´s lives and anecdotes, and by singing it or
playing it on a record-player.
Elementary and above.
14-16 years.
AIMS: To present a song and report details related to the song and its
performer´s history.
AIMS: Sts. will develop the four skills.
Sts. will work at home and in the classroom.
RESOURCES: web pages; magazines; dictionaries for class
use; computer and printer, photocopies;
banners to display on the board; the board; a recorder;
exceptionally: a projector.
1) T. tells
sts. about what a project is. Emphasis
is put on some features of every
project, particularly on its length and its need of continuous, independent and
hard work.
T. tells
sts. they will have to work autonomously in this project, although T. will be assisting
them during the preparation of the project.
T. shows
sts. pictures, banners, and (when possible) video recordings related to past
projects of other teachers and sts.
This part
aims to change the point of view of the whole class as regards teacher and sts´
2) T. distributes a form on which parents agree on
pictures taken to their children during the day of the presentation. T. also asks
sts. to bring the form duly signed before the presentation day.
1- Teacher tells sts. that, during a
3-week period, they will be working on a project called “MY FAVOURITE SONG”; T.
tells them they will be working in groups of three.
2- Teacher gives sts. a schedule:
1st week (from… to…)
2nd week (from… to…)
Preparation: drafting conclusions,
preparing banners, getting
recordings ready, rehearsing the song, etc.
3rd week (from … to …)
Giving your presentation in class. 20 minutes each group.
3- Teacher also gives them this CONTRIBUTION
Member of the group
Activities during
the preparation period
Role of during
the presentation
4- Teacher explains to sts. the way
this project will be assessed, and if it
is possible, T gives sts. the assessment explanation, in a sheet of paper, to be pasted on their
communication notebooks. They have to be
brought back with the signature of their tutors.
5- Teacher and sts. agree on a certain
list of presenters, so as everyone knows their turn during the 3rd
6- Sts. need to decide in group which
song is their favourite. T. tells them that if they cannot agree which song is
the favourite, they will have to vote; but the resulting song will be adopted
as the favourite song of the whole group.
7- Teacher tells sts. that, during the
preparation period, they will have to fill in the chart T. gave them (point 3).
The 3rd column will be filled in also, prior to the presentation.
The chart will be given to the T. before
the presentation.
8- T. tells sts. they have to search
about any useful and interesting information related to their favourite song,
on the Internet or delving into other
sources (such as magazines, newspapers, posters, etc). They should focus on the song´s lyrics,
performers, composer, and origin. Sts. can also study other aspects of their
interest. After that, they will have to
present their findings in front of the class, and the song will be heard by the
whole class, whereas performed or played on a recorder.
9- Sts. will spend time reading,
illustrating, and writing, in or out of class time. When all the material has come in, sts.
collate the information and organize their contributions, filling-in the
“contribution chart”. It may be
necessary for sts. to decide on the order of features. If a poster is prepared,
they will have to decide how it will look.
The day of the presentation:
**every group member will have to participate
**every group will hand in the Contribution
chart to T.
**at any point of the presentation, the song
will be heard by the whole class.
**The rest of sts. will be encouraged to take
part (with questions and contributions) of the class in the target language.
**Teacher tells sts. that at the end of the
presentation T. is asking questions to the rest of the class about the content
of the oral presentation.
**pictures are taken of sts. giving the oral
1) As a follow –up, T. asks sts. to
send her/him a report of at least three
paragraphs, related to their favourite song, by e-mail
2) Meanwhile, T. asks whether there is
any volunteer who dares to open and design a blog, which is going to be
dedicated to displaying the different results prepared by every group.
T. tells sts. that their reports will be posted
on the Internet, on the blog; T. discuss (and agrees on) the name of the blog
with sts.
If there is a school web- page T. will ask the
authorities to include a reference to the blog prepared by the sts.
a) Through this project, sts.´ autonomy
and independence will be developed. Additionally, the activities will tackle
different types of intelligence, i.e.: musical intelligence, interpersonal
intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, all of it according to the theory of Howard
Gardner. (Gardner, Frame of Mind: The
theory of multiple intelligences, 1983).
b) Despite the need of sts.´ autonomy, T. should have to devise strategies for
“monitoring what is going on in terms of language use “(Fried –Booth, Diana L.,
2011, P.19). In this sense, a weekly review sheet could be given to sts. Every week T. collects this sheet and
analyzes every st.´s work. Later, T. can discuss with the st. whether he or she
shows any difficulty. A model of this sheet is as follows:
Name and e-mail address:
Period of time:
From. . . . to . . .
I have come across this week as part of the project:
b) …
c) …
New words or expressions I have encountered this week:
Which of these expressions is the one that calls your attention?
Which of these expressions is the most difficult (for you)?
T. will assess sts´ work through continuous instances, which imply the following aspects:
a) The contribution chart: This chart will contain the narration of what
every participant did during the development of the project and therefore it
will carry a mark, up to a certain percentage of the total mark for the
project. . . . . . 25 % of the total
b) Assessment during the presentation
day: In this day, T. will assess sts.
during their presentation, taking into account:
--Whether they use
massively the target language or not during the presentation. (10 % of the
total mark)
--Organization of the
presentation: whether it is a balanced oral presentation, giving each
participant the chance to show their work.
(10 % of the total mark)
--Material efforts:
**banners **performance of a song **any other manual activity prepared by the
sts. for the day.(20 % of the total mark).
c) The weekly development sheet: T. will take into account whether all or some
of the members of the group have presented their weekly development sheet and
whether it appears to be an honest and authentic contribution for the search of
new terms they have come across during their investigation. (35 % of the total
Diana L, Project Work (2nd
ed), Oxford, China, 2011
Howard: Frame of Mind: The theory of
multiple intelligences, 1st ed: 1983, New ed (Basic Books),
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