
Mostrando entradas de 2022

Objeto del Aprendizaje: Actividad para clase de inglés en Zoom. Profesor Tomas Costanzo

      Legal English Activity (for Zoom lessons) By Prof. Tomas Costanzo- San Luis 1)       Look at the following situations and decide wether the plaintiff needs a criminal or a civil lawyer. Circle the correct option.👇👇👇     2)   Read the text below. It is about starting a claim in a civil court. Decide whether the statements are true or false   3)   Listening: The burden of proof in civil trials. Listen to the man in the video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHkxlKUgtts&ab_channel=SearcyLawVideo    …and say:                                                 What is the burden of proof?   How important is the burden of proof in a criminal case? And what about the burden of proof in a civil case? How important is the witness statement in a crimina...